Welcome to Kama`aina Careers

Summer Interns

Students from Hawaii are attending top rated universities across the country. Many of them return to Hawaii for the summer to be with family and friends. While they are at home for the summer, they want to get a meaningful summer experience.

A summer internship provides students with hands on experience relevant to their academic program.

A summer intern can offer employers a low cost way to:

  • Complete short term projects that have been placed on the "back burner" due to a lack of of regular staff or more important priorities.
  • Get assistance with on-going projects
  • "Test" the student's abilities for possible future hiring, with a short term commitment.

Kama`aina Careers offers summer interns with no referral fee to employers. All that is required is a meaningful, paid summer position relevant to the student's academic studies and a short evaluation of the student at the end of the summer.

If you are interested in hiring a Summer Intern, complete the Employer Registration Form and select "Summer Interns"